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True Peace

True peace from God is more than just a truce or harmony. It carries the added meaning of ‘whole’ or ‘complete’. We learn this from the Hebrew word Shalom. This completeness or wholeness is the kind of relationship that God wants us to have; one that our hearts are bind closely with the heart of God where nothing is broken or missing, then true peace is experienced. We seek to achieve wholeness by seeing how we complete each other: between husband and wife, between siblings, co-workers, etc. When we take this disposition, we are beginning a process of peace because we do not see the other as threat or competition. Instead, we seek to look at ways the other can complement us and together we are whole and we experience peace.

“Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (Jn 14:27)

unusual Business: 


The Church exists for mission. Hence every baptized Christian is called to this mission. This space here provides varioius ways for usto grow deeper into being a missionary disciple, living and spreading the Good News.

Jesus for everyone.

 upcoming Events: 


17/06/16:  Year of Mercy Talk: Compassaion. Church of the Sacred Heart.


29/07/16::  Year of Mercy Talk: Mercy. Church of the Risen Christ.



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